Important Announcement – Arteirinha

Important Announcement

The April box is gonna be our last one.

Oie, this is an email to inform you that we are closing our Arteirinha Subscription Box. As difficult as this decision is, we believe that at this moment it is the right decision. I really want to thank you for having trusted our work these months, for having believed in our project and for having embarked with me on this adventure that was the creation of our club. Arteirinha has always been a project that I really believed in from the beginning, but I confess that when I got it off the drawing board and saw that people like you not only believed in it but also validated my dream, I understood that no matter what happened, Arteirinha had already been a success, they were:

◆ 9 Themed Editions.
◆ More than 100 boxes delivered through the United States and Canada.
◆ More than 15 states.
◆ More than 40 families who learned about our service.
◆ And a cancellation rate below 3% in a segment where our box, practically 100% handmade, competes with market giants. And it is with this feeling that I write this email today, many, many, many thanks for having contributed to our success.

If you follow us on social media, I believe you are already aware of the reasons that led us to make this decision, but in general, we can attribute it to financial issues.

Because it is a business model that requires a minimum number of customers to run in a healthy way, it was impossible to maintain Arteirinha at this time. We don't know what the future holds, and for now, we still don't have plans of what we're going to do from here on out, but in my heart, I'm trying to see this “closing” more as a pause, because my desire to bring more of Brazil to little Brazilians who live abroad is still here, strong and alive. I promise to let you know of any possible reformulations that we may do.

Your subscription will be canceled, and you will receive an automatic email confirming the cancellation. If you subscribe to our quarterly and semiannual plans (and still have months paid in advance) you will also be reimbursed for future boxes.

If you have any questions, as always, I'm here to help.

Um cheiro,