About Us
Our Mission
Bridge cultural gaps through bilingual storytelling, providing language access, and preserving cultural heritage for Brazilian families living abroad while simultaneously raising global awareness about Brazil and its people's valuable contributions by promoting Brazilian authors and literature through translation into English.
Arteirinha Books
And so, our bilingual publishing adventure begins.
The Founder:

Jéssica is a Brazilian Journalist, Interpreter/Translator, Writer, and Parenting Coach who embarked on an unexpected journey from her beloved homeland to the U.S., in a way she hadn't quite planned for. As the reality settled in that she was building a life away from her home country, she set her mind to combining her passions and finding ways to give back to her community while addressing the longing she, too, felt for her home.
This journey birthed Arteirinha Box, the first Arts and Crafts subscription box for Brazilian kids living in the USA. This creative venture then evolved into Arteirinha Books, a Bilingual Children's Publishing Company. In her stories, Jéssica masterfully blends her expertise as a Parenting Coach, her Brazilian heritage, and a touch of poetic magic to craft engaging bilingual narratives that resonate with both children and adults.
But it's not just about writing stories for Jéssica. She's on a mission to support Brazilian families living abroad by offering language access and preserving their cultural heritage. At the same time, she wants to spread the word globally about the incredible contributions her people make by bringing to life bilingual stories written in Portuguese and English. And that's why Arteirinha Books was created, a place where all these passions come together.
Jéssica has made a cozy home in a small town in the Pacific Northwest, sharing her life with her husband and their furry friend, Kaká. When those waves of homesickness crash in, you'll find Jéssica with a comforting mug of coffee and a taste of cuscuz.
Her bookshelf is a treasure trove of reads that tug at her heartstrings. Some all-time favorites include "The Wizard of Oz," "The Book Thief," and "The Cassandra Clare series." In moments when no one is looking, you might catch her holding a pretend microphone and singing out loud while lost in her thoughts at home. When you meet her, be prepared for in-depth conversations on various subjects, such as her love for Brazil, astrology, languages, and her profound commitment to diversity, social minority issues, and childhood trauma prevention.
Also, Jéssica is not just the founder but also the author of many picture books, included "Sometimes It's Time" and "The Rope That Ties Us."
Our Origin Story
By Jéssica S. Scheumann
The creation of Arteirinha was inspired by my experience as an Au Pair in the United States in 2021. Living with two wonderful host families over two and a half years, I formed strong bonds with them. After my departure, I yearned to remain connected to my "American homes," especially to the children who had become family. My chosen method of connection was through gifts that spoke of Brazil, my home.
Yet, a recurring challenge arose. Each time I sought appropriate items for these young audiences, I was met with limited options. It left me wondering: if I, who only occasionally look for gifts for my former host kids, felt such frustration and disappointment in my search, how much more challenging must it be for parents raising Brazilians outside of Brazil?
This question was the seed from which Arteirinha grew. It sprouted as the first subscription box specially curated for young Brazilians who, due to their geographic distance from Brazil, lacked the opportunity to form a deep connection with their rich heritage. My aim was to introduce them to the beauty, wonder, and diversity of our beautiful country while offering parents a means to nurture their children's cultural roots.
In August 2022, we launched Arteirinha Box—a Bilingual Arts and Crafts subscription for Brazilian children living in the United States. It was a vibrant start marked by:
- 9 Themed Editions.
- Delivery of over 100 boxes across the United States and Canada.
- Enriching the lives of families across more than 15 states.
- Building connections with over 40 families who embraced our unique service.
However, despite the initial success, we eventually had to close our club and pause all subscriptions. It was a heartbreaking moment. But, deep in my heart, I was convinced it was not the end of our story. My unwavering desire to bring a piece of Brazil to little Brazilians living abroad stayed alive. It was a strong, persistent flame within me.
After the break, we embarked on a new journey, pondering different ways we could continue our mission despites the end of the club. And that's how Arteirinha Books was born—a Bilingual Children's Publishing Company. From the beginning, our core purpose has been to bring Brazil and Brazilian culture to life through creative, imaginative and entertaining storytelling. We aim to reinforce cultural roots, cultivate a sense of belonging for children living abroad, and share the treasures of our country with the world through bilingual books written in Portuguese and English.
And today, I invite you to embark on this journey through our books, where every page holds a world brimming with creativity, imagination, learning, and a touch of Brazil.
Um cheiro,